General Terms and Conditions of TREDU by The Ranks GmbH

The Ranks GmbH, hereinafter referred to as The Ranks, provides its services exclusively on the basis of the following General Terms and Conditions.

Should individual provisions of these General Terms and Conditions be invalid, this shall not affect the application of the other provisions. The invalid provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that comes as close as possible to the meaning and purpose of the invalid provision.

The version valid at the time of conclusion of the contract shall apply.

Registration & participation requirements

Registrations are recorded and considered in the order in which they arrive. They can be made by telephone, in writing or in person.

There is a minimum and/or maximum number of participants for each of the events offered. This is stated separately for each event.

If there are certain conditions for attending a course, such as prior knowledge, these are explicitly stated in the course and must be fulfilled by the participants.

Location of the events

The location of the event is indicated on the respective date. Events can take place online, hybrid or physically on site.


The fee for the booked event must be paid to The Ranks before the start of the event, otherwise participation is not possible. Partial payments can be agreed individually.

The fee does not include the cost of meals and/or accommodation, unless otherwise stated.

If the participant defaults on payment, The Ranks has the option of withdrawing from the contract.

If documents are provided for the respective event, these are included in the fee. These documents may not be reproduced, distributed, held for sale, made available to the public or placed on the market.

Cancellation conditions

Cancellation of a booked event can only be made in writing and becomes effective on the day of receipt by The Ranks. The following cancellation conditions apply:

  • up to 15 calendar days before the start of the event – free of charge
  • between the 14th calendar day before the start of the event and 2 calendar days before – 50%
  • from 2 calendar days before – 100 %

If the participant announces an adequate replacement person, the cancellation fee will be waived.

Image, video and sound recordings

The taking of pictures, videos and sound recordings of learning material, lectures or persons during the events in presence and online is prohibited without exception.

Confirmation of participation

Certificates of attendance will be issued free of charge if at least 75% of the event in question has been attended, unless otherwise stated.

Changes to the program

Organizational changes to the offer are possible. The Ranks therefore reserves the right to change the location, type of event, duration, date, speakers and to cancel the event.

The participating persons will be notified in good time. Should a course be canceled, The Ranks cannot be held liable for reimbursement of travel, accommodation or other costs, nor can any claims be made.

If an event is canceled due to illness of the lecturer or other unforeseen events, or has to be canceled for other reasons, a full refund of event fees already paid will be made.


In the event of slight negligence, liability on the part of The Ranks, its employees, contractors or other vicarious agents for property damage and/or financial loss suffered by customers is excluded, regardless of whether this relates to direct or indirect damage, loss of profit or consequential damage, damage due to delay, impossibility, positive breach of contract, culpa in contrahendo, defective or incomplete performance. The existence of gross negligence must be proven by the injured party.

The Ranks is not liable for the application of the knowledge imparted. Furthermore, The Ranks is not liable for the accuracy and timeliness of the scripts and course materials provided. The Ranks accepts no liability for errors in publications and on the website.