Find out in this practical seminar how successful cooperation between companies can be organized. Under the guidance of Clôd P. Baumgartner, founder of the Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, you will explore proven methods and approaches for effective entrepreneurial cooperation. The workshop offers space for sharing experiences, applying strategies to real business scenarios and enables you to lay the foundations for successful entrepreneurial collaboration.

What you take with you:

Cooperation strategies: Develop an understanding of effective cooperation strategies between companies.

Realistic application: Apply the methods and approaches you have learned to specific business scenarios.

Successful collaboration: Develop the skills to build successful and sustainable entrepreneurial collaboration.

Mix of methods from theoretical input, application for your own company, presentations, feedback rounds. During the seminar there will be enough time for all your questions.

Duration: 3 hours

Location: online or by appointment

Trainer: Clôd P. Baumgartner

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