Immerse yourself in the world of purpose, positioning and punk in this intensive 4-hour workshop. Under the guidance of Clôd P. Baumgartner, an experienced entrepreneur and founder of the Agency for Innovation & Entrepreneurship, you will learn how to clearly define the purpose of your company, develop a strong positioning and incorporate the rebellious spirit of punk. This workshop offers a unique combination of strategic corporate development and creative self-discovery.

What you take with you:

Clear company purpose: Define the purpose of your company and learn how it guides your strategic decisions.

Strong positioning: Develop a unique positioning that sets your company apart from others.

The rebellious spirit of punk: Integrate the principles of punk into your corporate culture for creative breakthroughs and innovation.

Mix of methods from theoretical input, application for your own company, presentations, feedback rounds. During the seminar there will be enough time for all your questions.

Duration: 4 hours

Location: online or by appointment

Trainer: Clôd P. Baumgartner

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